A Very Phoenix Christmas
A Phoenix Club novella
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A VERY PHOENIX CHRISTMAS (A Phoenix Club novella)
Copyright © 2019 Audrey M. Snead | CJ Bishop (pen name)
All rights reserved. Including right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Cover design by A.M. Snead
Cover images provided by:
Adobe Stock
For questions and comments about this book, please contact the author at amsnead@live.com
Written as CJ Bishop
Proper reading Order
#1 – The Phoenix Club series
#2 – The Phoenix Chronicles
#3 – The Cowboy Gangster series
#4 – The Phoenix Wedding series
#5 – Precious Jules (a Cowboy Gangster novella)
#6 – The Innocent (a Cowboy Gangster novel)
#7 – Hope: The Innocent (pt. 2) (a Cowboy Gangster novel)
#8 – Reaper: The Innocent (pt. 3) (a Cowboy Gangster novel)
#9 – Paradise Lost: Lost Book 1
#10 – Innocence Lost: Lost Book 2 (available January 2020)
Guilty by Blood (Santiago Family series): Companion Novel to ‘Reaper’
Cowboy Up (A Cowboy Gangster short story)
Cowboy Love (A Cowboy Gangster erotic short story)
Private Invitation (Phoenix Club/Boys of Porn crossover novella)
Hunted Hearts (stand-alone novel)
Also by A.M. Snead
Lost in Love
Boy in the Shadows
Made to Be Broken
The Brokenhearted Necklace
Home for the Holidays
Change of heart
The Boys We Love (M/M short story collection)
Micah’s Miracle: A Christmas Love Story
Boys of Porn series
Jack: Gideon’s Angels (Vol. 1)
Royal: Gideon’s Angels (Vol. 2)
Special Delivery (Boys of Porn series)
Private Invitation (Phoenix Club/Boys of Porn crossover novella)
Dylan (Curious Boys #1)
Dylan (Curious Boys #2)
Haunted Lovers (a Boys of Porn presentation)
Soulscape series
Dark Soul
Black Heart
Burning Love
Deadly Devotion
Wander Lust series
Fallen Angel
Broken Halo
Winterhaven series
Slippery Slopes (volume one)
Blackwell Series
Ghost of a Chance
The Ghost of Devon House
This Present Darkness
Love Conquers All series
A Thin Line Between Love & Hate (Original Volume 1)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 1
“It’s open?”
Dylan eased off the gas and the car slowed to a crawl as it rolled past the establishment. The large neon sign—The Phoenix Club—above the entrance lit up the night. Music pulsated from within, thumping against the closed doors. “Looks that way.”
“I didn’t think it would be open on Christmas Eve.” Hal craned his neck, excitement on his face. “Park somewhere. Let’s go in.”
Vehicles packed the parking lot and Dylan squeezed the Mustang into a narrow slot between a shiny red SUV and a sparkling blue Maserati. The Ford was no junker, yet it stood out like a sore thumb among these expensive automobiles.
“Are you sure we belong here?” Dylan had his doubts. Could they afford a place like this?
“They said this was the place to be.” Hal opened his door before the engine quit rumbling. “Come on, it’ll be fucking awesome. They said these guys were cool.”
Dylan remained behind the wheel, his focus drifting to the man standing out front. “How much is the entrance fee? Looks like they cater to the moneybags.”
“Well, we won’t know until we ask.” Hal exited the car and walked around to the driver side. He opened Dylan’s door and grinned. “Come on, loosen up. Have some fun.”
Since leaving Chicago—and the experience with Gideon’s Angels—Dylan had kept a low profile, so to speak, where his gayness was concerned. He and Hal were together—without a doubt—but they kept it behind closed doors. Dylan had thought, once they left Chicago, he could go home and be open and honest with his friends… and his family.
Easier said than done.
It bugged the shit out of him that he was forcing Hal to hide their relationship. Hal didn’t complain and seemed to understand, but Dylan knew Hal—and his incessant need for excitement. Dylan feared that Hal would grow tired of his fears and uncertainties, and go looking for someone he could “party” with—out in the open.
Coming to New York City had been Dylan’s Christmas gift to Hal. It was different when they were around strangers, Dylan felt freer to be himself. No one knew him. No one judged him. They had been in the city for a day and a half, and already he dreaded going home. He daydreamed—and night dreamed—about the porn boys back in Chicago and the comfort and security he’d experienced while in their company. He and Hal could have moved in with them, become one of them—they had extended the invite. Dylan thought about that—a lot.
The two young men left the Mustang parked between the fancy rigs and walked to the entrance. Gideon’s boys had regaled them with fantastically hot tales of the Phoenix strippers. Dylan and Hal had watched the video “evidence” of that visit and fell in love—or was it lust?—with the Phoenix men.
Since Chicago, it had been Hal’s dream to meet the strippers in person.
Bringing Hal here to the strippers’ hometown was the least Dylan could do for him after all the patience, understanding, and compassion he’d shown Dylan.
The muscular man out front wore a dark blue jacket with the club logo—a silhouette of a male stripper with wings—and his name, Trevor, stitched in silver cursive font over his left breast.
Trevor was good-looking and pleasant as he halted the two men. “I’m sorry. The club is closed to the public tonight. Private, invitation-only party.”
Undeterred, Hal pressed on. “Some mutual friends of the…” He gestured at the building. “… the guys here, recommended the club. We’ve come a long way, man.” He flashed a charming grin and splayed his hands. “We’re loads of fun.”
Trevor looked them up and down. His mouth twitched. “Loads, huh?”
Hal chuckled. “Loads and loads.”
“Did your mutual friends give you a name to ask for here at the club?” He cocked an eyebrow. “Maybe you’re bullshitting me.”
“No bullshit, man,” Hal assured and frowned. “There were a few names…”
“Cole was one of them,” Dylan spoke up. “And… Gabe?” Th
eir names had become engraved on his brain after watching the video of their performance with Gideon’s “twins” back in Chicago.
Trevor nodded, smiled, and took out his phone. “Let me shoot them a text. I can’t let you in without their say so.”
“Of course.” Dylan looked at Hal who practically vibrated with eagerness as Trevor sent the message to the men inside the club.
Hal’s excitement infected Dylan and mingled with a pervading nervousness. This was their first “night out” since returning from Chicago. Though they knew no one here—butterflies plagued Dylan’s gut.
Was it possible for him to be an “out & proud” gay man?
Tonight would tell the tale.
. . .
Cole didn’t hear his phone go off above the din of music blasting through the club—but felt the vibration in his pocket. He set down his beer and dug out his cell.
From the next stool over, Gabe leaned closer and spoke above the party that was just getting into full swing. “Who’s it from?”
“Trevor.” He read the text, a perplexed frown crinkling his brow. “He wants us to come out front. Says there’s a couple guys who want to join the party, but don’t have invitations.”
“Are they causing trouble?”
“Didn’t say so.” Cole downed the last of his drink and wiped his mouth as he stood up. “Come on.”
The two men weaved through the guests and slipped into the less crowded, shadowed entryway, lit a little brighter tonight by strings of Christmas lights around the doors. They exited through the front doors and approached Trevor. Two young men stood with him—one blond, one dark-haired, both mid-twenties. A quick once-over and Cole was ready to invite them in. “What do we have here?” He glanced at Trevor before again inspecting the attractive strangers.
“These boys say they share some mutual friends with you—friends who recommended the club.”
“Oh, yeah?” Cole’s interest piqued. He turned to the young men. “Who are these mutual friends?”
“Gideon’s Angels,” the blond said. “Dylan here…” He draped his arm around his buddy. “He was on Gideon’s Curious Boys segment. They told us all about you guys and…” He grinned and rubbed his mouth. “… and showed us the videos of your visit.”
Gabe chuckled. “Yeah?” He winked. “What’d you think?”
The blond licked his lips. “Well, we’re here.”
“Answer enough.” Gabe laughed.
Cole gestured to the boys. “Any friends of the Angels are friends of ours. Come in and join the fun. We’ll take real good care of you.” The blond guy appeared eager to find out just what that entailed, while his friend—Dylan—seemed a tad nervous. “By the way,” Cole said as they headed back inside, “I’m Cole, and this sexy hunk here is Gabe. But I guess you already knew that.”
The blond young man grinned and nodded. “I’m Hal.” He shook hands with the two men.
“And you’re Dylan.” Gabe grasped the other guy’s hand. “Don’t look so nervous. I guarantee, we haven’t turned out a dissatisfied guest yet.”
The party had gained momentum in the short time they were outside. Tommy and Gavin were onstage with a couple boys the brat pack had invited to the club, each wearing a Santa hat and red G-string with white fluff around the waistband. Cole wasn’t clear just where they had found these boys—four in all—but guessed it was from another club downtown. Though the pack’s evasiveness left him to wonder.
. . .
Hal paused when they stepped into the main club, his eyes popping as he stared at the stage dancers. Their lean, slick, glittery bodies gyrated around the stage while the party guests whooped and hollered. This wasn’t Hal’s first time in a strip club, but it was his first high-end strip club. The very atmosphere jacked-up the senses and electrified the loins.
“Hey.” Hal nudged Dylan, grinning. “We should get them to teach us those moves.”
“Uh…” Dylan chuckled. “I don’t see us doing that.”
“Don’t be so sure,” Cole said. “You already starred in a porno.” He grinned. “What’s a simple striptease compared to that?”
Hal nodded. “I agree. After what we did in Chicago—you should be up for anything.”
Dylan smiled. “I should be, but…” He shrugged.
“He’ll come around.” Gabe slung his arm around Dylan. “Before tonight is over, I predict he will be up on that stage shaking his beautiful ass for our viewing pleasure.”
“That’s your prediction?” Dylan smirked. “Don’t quit your day job to become a prophet.”
“Ahhh-ha-haaa!” Gabe howled and kissed his head. “Don’t be so quick to put down my prophetic abilities. This is a magical kingdom; you never know what’ll happen inside these walls.”
Hal imagined Dylan onstage, decked out in nothing but a G-string, rocking and rolling that gorgeous body of his. Dylan would be a natural, Hal was sure of it. He had the makings of a hot and wild gay boy—he just needed to throw off his “straight” jacket once and for all and let the glitter fly.
Gideon’s Angels—along with Hal’s help—had brought him this far. Maybe Hal and the Phoenix boys could take him the rest of the way.
. . .
Cole set up a round of drinks for the four of them. “So…” He rested his forearms on the bar and gazed at Dylan as he sipped his drink. “Start dropping names. Which porn boys were you with?”
Settling on a stool, Dylan said, “Garrett North, at first. Then his boyfriend, Jack, joined in.”
“Oh, yeah.” Gabe chuckled. “Those two were fucking hot.”
“You fucked Jack and Garrett?” Dane appeared out of nowhere, a crooked grin tugging his mouth. “Are you serious? Jack and Garrett of Gideon’s Angels?”
“Yeah…” Dylan laughed, then squinted. “You’re… Dane… right?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
Gabe bumped him. “They watched the video of us on stage at The Lion’s Den.”
“No shit?” Dane grinned. “That was a crazy hot time.” He swiped his brow. “Whew. I can’t wait to go back and visit those guys.” He leaned closer to Dylan. “But you actually fucked them?”
“Well… Garrett,” Dylan said. “Jack was there with us but things didn’t get that far with him because…” He glanced at Hal.
“I took over.” Hal kissed Dylan on the cheek. “It’s a long story.”
“So, uh…” Cole smiled darkly. “Before you took over, what were you doing? Watching?”
Hal laughed. “Eventually. First, I had a rendezvous with Lucas Black, and then the twins.”
Cole groaned hard. “The twins. Fuuck! They about killed us on stage.”
“We saw.”
Laughing, Cole smacked him on the back. “Well, I don’t know if we can provide the caliber of entertainment that those boys offered, but we’ll do our damnedest. So, hang out, mingle, get acquainted.” He winked. “We’re a friendly bunch and we look forward to getting to know you boys a whole lot better.”
Chapter 2
Angel jumped when someone smacked his ass and snatched a palm full of his left cheek. He turned, expecting to find Dane squeezing his rump. It wasn’t Dane.
“Hey, sexy.” Ricky stole a quick kiss, loosened his grip, and patted Angel’s butt. “Wanna dance?” A Santa hat perched atop his head and skin-tight, sparkling red tights hugged every curve and bulge from his hips down. Nothing but bare skin glistened in between.
Licking his lips, Angel glanced toward the bar where Dane, Cole, and Gabe hovered around two young men he didn’t recognize. “You’re lucky Dane didn’t see you kiss me—or grab my ass.”
Ricky looked in that direction, an impish twinkle in his eyes. “I wanted him to see.” He grabbed Angel’s hands and plastered them on his warm chest as he sensually massaged his fingers. “He’s a fiery one when he gets jealous, especially when he’s jealous of me.”
“He might kick your ass.”
“Could be exciting.” Ricky released one hand and
traced Angel’s cheekbone with the tip of his finger. “I like it rough.”
Angel cleared his throat. “It might be rougher than you like.”
“I’ll take my chances.” Ricky flashed him a sultry look. “Now, come on, it’s a party. Dance with me.” He drew Angel to the floor in front of the stage and clamped onto his waist. “We haven’t had this kind of fun since before Dane confiscated you for his own.” Ricky tugged him closer until their crotches brushed. “He’s such a selfish goon.”
Angel laughed. “Yeah, well… he makes up for it between the sheets.”
“I bet.” Ricky growled and wiggled his eyebrows. “He’s a fuckin’ studly beast.”
“Can’t argue there.” Angel let the music take him. He seldom danced with anyone but Dane these days.
Ricky moaned and squeezed Angel’s waist. “Max really needs to get you back on stage.”
Angel smiled and raised his arms above his head as his slender hips swayed and swiveled. Ricky kept perfect timing, his fingertips gliding along Angel’s ribs.
“Why don’t you get rid of this?” Ricky fingered his shirt, drawing it up his stomach.
Angel cast a discreet glance Dane’s way. His husband hadn’t yet noticed them. His amusement mounted, certain Dane would bulldoze across the floor once he realized Ricky—of all people—was moving in on his man. “Why not?” Angel grinned as Ricky peeled off his shirt and tossed it on the edge of the stage.
Oohhing laughter sifted out of Levi who danced nearby with one of the boys they’d invited to the party. “You’re asking for it, baby,” Levi warned Ricky. “Dane will dismember you if he catches you playing his boy toy.”
“As I told Angel…” Ricky winked at his boyfriend. “… I’ll take my chances.”
Levi laughed and gyrated against his dance partner, flicking his fingers at Ricky. “It was nice knowing ya, sweetie.” They rock-n-rolled away in a grope-fest.