A Very Phoenix Christmas Read online

Page 3

  Dane groaned and rolled his hips, stroking long and deep inside Angel. “I don’t hate the little fucker… I just don’t want his slutty hands on you.”

  Angel laughed softly, shivering from head to toe as his body fell into rhythm with Dane. “Yeah… I can tell you don’t hate him.”

  “Shut up,” Dane growled with a short laugh and thrust hard. “And take your punishment like a good little bad boy.”

  “Fuuck…” Angel clawed the back of the loveseat, shoving his face against the soft fabric as his breath came quicker. “Yes, sir.”

  . . .

  When Ricky turned his attention to Hal and Dylan—heat rushed through Hal’s loins. While in Chicago, they had watched Ricky and his boys on video as well. And having just saw the floor show with him and Angel… Hal was wholly aware of what these boys were capable of. But the dark gleam in Ricky’s eyes now hinted that there were “realms” yet to be discovered—if one was brave enough to explore.

  “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.” Ricky held out his hand to the two young men. “I’m Ricky.”

  “These boys are friends of our lovely porn stars from Chicago,” Cole said.

  Hal accepted his gesture. “I’m Hal. This is Dylan.”

  “Dylan.” Ricky shook his hand and maintained his grasp for a moment. “Is Hal here your boyfriend?”

  Dylan cleared his throat, his eyes locked into the stripper’s stare. “Uh… yeah. Yeah, he is.”

  “Awesome.” Ricky smiled and let Dylan’s hand slowly slide from his own. “So, you and Gideon’s Angels, huh? Did you get down and dirty with them?”

  “Downright filthy.” Hal smiled.

  Ricky laughed. “Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. You’re my kind of guys.”

  “Who isn’t your kind of guys?” Gabe snorted.


  Cole glanced toward the club entrance. “More friends just arrived.” He turned to Dylan and Hal. “You two going to hang out here?”

  Ricky spoke to Dylan. “You and your boyfriend want to play the game with us, too?” When Dylan hesitated, an impish smile spread across Ricky’s face. “You’re not scared, are you? I promise—you’ll have loads of fun.”

  “Watch your back with this one,” Cole warned teasingly. “I do mean that literally.” He and Gabe walked off to greet their newly arrived guests.

  Hal chuckled. “Come on, Dylan.” Hal played with his hair, running his fingers through his dark strands. “Didn’t we tell the guy out front that we were loads of fun? Let’s prove it.”

  “I like your boyfriend,” Ricky told Dylan. “What do you say?”

  Caleb, the young man who’d been onstage with Dane, chimed in. “Yeah. The more the merrier. Besides, when you go home after visiting a club like this—you gotta take back some awesome stories, right?”

  Dylan looked dubious. Hal understood—few back home that even knew Dylan was gay. It was doubtful they would share these stories with anyone at home.

  “Can we just watch at first,” Dylan asked. “To see if it’s a game we want to play?”

  Ricky chuckled. “Sure. But you’ll be joining us in no time, you can bet on that.”

  “I’d bet on that,” Hal mumbled, and Ricky grinned, winking at him.

  “By the way…” Caleb stepped forward and extended his hand. “I’m Caleb and this is my boyfriend, Samuel.” He indicated the good-looking blond beside him. “He’s an attorney,” Caleb added proudly.

  Samuel smiled and shook hands with Hal and Dylan. “Well, not really. Just an intern. As soon as I deal with some personal legal matters, I’m going to quit law and become a chef.”

  “You do that and I will get so fat,” Caleb complained with a snicker. He looked at the two men. “He’s already an awesome cook. I mean chef.”

  “No worries, baby.” Ricky rubbed up against Caleb. “I’ll help keep that sexy bod in shape while your man is busy in the kitchen.”

  Samuel pulled Caleb away from Ricky and draped his arm around him. “I’ll keep him adequately exercised.”

  “If you’re ever too busy…” Ricky winked. “You know who to call.”

  “Is there anyone you won’t fuck?” Samuel laughed.

  “Uh… very few.” Ricky returned his attention to Hal and Dylan. “On that note… if you boys need a place to stay while you’re in town…” He grinned. “There’s always room at my apartment.”

  “I don’t see how,” Caleb said. “With four of you living there.”

  “We’re accommodating. We’d make room.”

  Hal rubbed his chin and chuckled. “We’re set up in a hotel room. But we appreciate the invite.”

  “All right. But if you change your mind, the offer is open ended.” He smirked. “Like me.”

  “Shit.” Samuel laughed.

  “Come on.” Ricky grinned. “Let’s grab the others and get this party started.”

  Hal fell in beside Samuel. “So, um…” he dropped his voice. “Does Dane actually hate Ricky?”

  “Nah.” Ricky glanced back with a grin. “Deep down, he loves me and wants to shag me. He just won’t admit it.”

  Samuel suppressed a laugh and nudged Hal. He shook his head and pointed at Ricky then his own temple and twirled his finger as he mouthed—‘He’s crazy.’

  Chapter 4

  “Hey, about time you got here.” Cole embraced Carl, then Lex. “I was starting to think you weren’t going to show.”

  “Are you crazy?” Carl hugged Gabe. “Did I miss anything?”

  “Not much.” Gabe chuckled. “Just a little dirty dance off with Angel and Ricky versus Dane and Caleb.”

  “What?” Carl blinked. “Angel and Ricky? Dane allowed that?”

  “I wouldn’t say allowed,” Cole said.

  Gabe shook his head. “No, definitely not. Ricky’s lucky Dane didn’t stomp him into the ground with the way he was going at Angel.” He laughed. “But it was hot to watch.”

  “Shit,” Carl grumbled. “I can’t believe I missed it.” He brightened. “Think they would re-enact it for us?”

  “I’m sure Ricky would be willing, but there’s no way in hell that Dane would let him near Angel again.”

  Carl pouted. “Party pooper Dane.”

  Cole winked at Lex. “You going to finally get up and dance for us? Show us what you got?” Gabe and Carl laughed. It was a wide-spread rumor that Lex was packing a weapon of mass destruction in his pants—a rumor that had been confirmed by Carl.

  Cole knew the truth firsthand, but that was a part of the past no one talked about—just as no one in the “know” spoke of Angel’s past interactions with Lex. Cole had no clue if Angel told Dane about that, and Cole didn’t ask.

  “Sorry.” Lex smiled. “I’ll leave the stage shows to you boys. I have no rhythm.”

  Gabe bumped Carl. “Is that true?”

  Carl pffted. “Fuck no, it isn’t true.”

  “Sex and dancing are not the same thing,” Lex said.

  “Sure, it is.” Gabe grinned. “Don’t try to tell me you two have never fucked standing up. Strap on a G-string and go through the motions on stage and you got yourself a hot, sexy dance.”

  Lex shook his head. “Regardless, I’m not getting up there.”

  “Now who’s the party pooper?” Cole chuckled.

  The four men moved to the bar and Carl took his place behind the counter and began setting up shots.

  “You’re off duty tonight,” Gabe reminded. “This is a self-serve party.”

  “I don’t mind.” Carl filled the shot glasses and slid one to each of the men. “Is Max and Horatio here?” He threw back his shot.

  “No,” Cole said. “They preferred a quiet Christmas Eve at home.”

  Carl smirked and refilled his glass. “Once they really start celebrating, it won’t be quiet for long.”

  “Amen!” Gabe grinned and downed his drink.

  Carl indicated the empty stage. “Why isn’t anyone dancing?”

and one of his new friends were up there before Dane took the stage from him.”

  “Where’s the brat pack now?” Carl asked.

  “They confiscated Caleb and Samuel, and a couple other guys we just met, and went off to play some dirty party games.”

  “And you didn’t join them?”

  Cole took the bottle and refilled his shot glass. “I’d like to retain what little soul I have left. I might need it to get into heaven.” He swallowed his drink.

  “Heaven?” Gabe snorted.

  “Hey.” Cole wiped his mouth. “I’m a good guy. So, I drink, strip, and occasionally, fraternize with porn stars… that doesn’t make me a bad person, does it?” He grinned and took another shot.

  Lex chuckled. “Depends on who you ask, I suppose. Just being gay is a ticket straight to hell in some people’s opinion.”

  “Well, luckily, their opinions don’t mean shit to me.” Cole smiled.

  “As they shouldn’t.”

  “Back to the previous subject.” Gabe turned to Carl. “How about you and I get onstage and show your man how easy it is?”

  “Me?” Carl laughed. “Uh… I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?” Gabe stroked the other man’s handsome face. “It’s a downright sin not to flaunt your gloriously sexy body for the viewing pleasure of the rest of us.”

  “Well…” Carl moved from behind the bar and linked arms with Lex. “… my boyfriend wouldn’t allow it.”

  Cole cocked an eyebrow. “Is that true, Lex?”

  The older man pffted. “Fuck no, it isn’t true.”

  Carl rolled his eyes. “Ha-ha, smart ass.”

  “Well, then?” Gabe pressed. “You have your man’s permission—how about strapping on that G-string?” He grabbed Carl’s hand and tugged the man against him, palming his ass. “Just think how hot it’ll get Lex, watching you bump and grind on stage.”

  Carl shot a look at Lex. “You’re not going to intervene… object… something?”

  Lex stared back, a grin on his face, and said nothing.

  “You’re outnumbered, baby,” Cole said. “We all want to see you shake that thang.”

  “How did I become the focus here?” Carl wondered. “I thought it was Lex you wanted to ogle onstage.”

  “We’re just playing with him,” Gabe said. “We know we’ll never get him up there. But you…” He squeezed Carl’s ass and swiveled their hips in unison. “I think you could be coaxed into a dirty little dance.”

  Carl gripped Gabe’s thick shoulders for support as the other man continued a unified gyration, drawing Carl into the rhythm. A faint heat flushed Carl’s cheeks and seeped into his eyes. Cole found it amusing, though not at all surprising—few, if any, could resist Gabe’s advances. The man was hot as hell and had the moves that could burn a soul to ashes.

  A fucking blue-eyed devil in blue jeans.

  . . .

  Angel stopped short when he and Dane emerged from the V.I.P. room, causing Dane to bump into him.

  “What…” Dane started then clamped his mouth shut, eyes turning to slits as he spotted Ricky and his extended crew lounging in the alcove outside the V.I.P. room.

  Ricky winked at Angel. “Did I get you in trouble?” He cocked his head to the side and glanced at Angel’s flushed ass cheeks—emblazoned with Dane’s handprints. Ricky chuckled. “Looks that way.” He shrugged and smiled. “Sorry about that, baby.”

  Angel squinted. “I’m not.”

  Cautiously approaching Angel’s husband, Ricky held out his hand. “Truce, big boy?”

  Dane’s face twitched. “For now.” He grabbed Ricky’s hand and squeezed until he winced. “Do it again, and you’ll be sorry.”

  “Okaaayy…” Ricky twisted his hand free and shook it out. “Jeez.” He laughed. “We were just messing with you. It’s not like I was gonna fuck him or something.”

  “Not for lack of trying.”

  Ricky chuckled. “You gotta give me E for Effort, right?”

  “What I’d like to give you—you don’t want.”

  “Wait,” Caleb spoke up. “Now, Ricky… I thought you said that, deep down, Dane wanted to shag you.”

  Angel laughed.

  “He said what?” Dane growled.

  “Nothing.” Ricky grinned. “Don’t listen to him. He’s delusional.”

  “Isn’t that what he said?” Caleb asked the blond guy standing next to him.

  The young man pursed his lips and nodded. “Yep.”

  Dane pointed at Ricky. “Boy, I wouldn’t shag you if you were the last gay ass on earth.”

  “Ah-ah-ah.” Ricky wagged his finger. “Be careful what you say. I predict you and Angel will be shagging with us in the not-to-distant future.”

  Dane huffed. “And I predict a very ugly outcome if you try to lay a single slutty finger on either of us.”

  “What about a different slutty body part?”

  Angel laughed and took Dane’s hand. “Come on, babe. I think you two need to be separated.”

  “Thank you!” Levi exclaimed with an emphatic nod.

  “You two don’t want to play some naughty reindeer games with us?” Ricky called after them.

  Angel waved him off and walked Dane in the opposite direction, out into the main club. He halted again, causing another minor collision with Dane, and stared toward the bar. He smiled and directed Dane’s attention that way.

  Gabe had Carl in his clutches as the two danced together, attached at the crotch, hips rolling and rocking. “Damn.” Angel grinned. “He finally got him going. Think he’ll get him to the stage?”

  His mood lightening, Dane laughed. “Gabe? He’ll do his damnedest.”

  “I, for one, would love to see that.”

  Dane kissed the top of Angel’s head. “Me, too, baby—me too.”

  They headed for the bar.

  “Angel. Dane.”

  The two paused and glanced around the club for the owner of the voice—and spotted Oliver walking their way from the club entrance, a huge grin on his face. Guests willfully moved out of the muscular man’s path.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here on Christmas Eve,” Dane said.

  “A last-minute decision.” The big man chuckled. “And not mine, initially.”

  Angel frowned. “Then whose?”

  “Emmy. She was exhausted by the time all the kids went to bed. She wanted to relax, maybe take a nap, before we… well… had our own private holiday celebration.” He laughed lightly. “So, she sent me here to get… properly motivated.” He shrugged and looked the two men up and down, taking in their nearly naked bodies with deep appreciation. “What can I say, you sexy club boys get my motor hummin’.”

  Angel nodded. “I remember, quite well.”

  Chuckling softly, Dane draped his arm across Oliver’s massive shoulders. “Looking for some private motivation? Or are you in the mood for a group session? There isn’t a man here tonight who wouldn’t jump at the chance to rev your engine.”

  “I’ve always opted for private sessions,” Oliver said. “Maybe I need to change things up.”

  “Maybe you do.” Dane grinned. “You don’t mind being the center of attention, do you?”

  “I’m not shy.” To prove his point, Oliver slid his arm around Dane’s bare body and ran his hand up his back.


  Warm tingles skittered through Angel—this was turning out to be a very fun and exciting party.

  . . .

  With each sway of Gabe’s hips, he took Carl a little further from the bar—and closer to the stage. When they reached their destination, would Carl actually get onstage? Strip? Put on a show with Gabe?

  Please, God, let it be! Cole begged the Man upstairs.

  Lex perched on the stool next to him, curious amusement on his face as Gabe swept his boyfriend into the sea of party guests.

  “Do you think he’ll go all the way?” Cole grinned.

  Lex squinted. “I don’t know. Gabe is damn tempting. Ca
rl may follow him wherever he leads.”

  “That was my summation.” Cole chuckled. “And you’re spot-on about Gabe’s tempting powers. Even with these younger dancers coming in, his strip show is still one of the top most requested performances.”

  Lex twisted his way. “Well, you’re usually part of that show, aren’t you? I’m sure your performance is equally popular.”

  “I don’t know about equally. I do all right, no complaints, but Gabe is the one that turns every head that comes through the club doors.”

  “He’s certainly a hot one.” Lex leaned his way, eyes sincere. “But you are absolutely his equal.”

  Cole smiled. “Thanks.”

  “How’s the marriage going? Is it everything you thought it would be?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Cole said. “And more. Before I fell in love with Gabe, I didn’t think I’d ever get married. Didn’t really have any desire to.” He laughed softly. “Amazing what love can do to a person, isn’t it?”

  “It is.” Lex returned his focus to Carl and Gabe. “Me… I think I’ve always wanted the whole package. I was just going about finding Mr. Right the wrong way. And then it was as if Carl just dropped straight out of heaven and into my lap.” He chuckled. “Quite literally, you might say.”

  Cole laughed and patted the man’s leg. “Any wedding bells on the horizon?”

  “Eventually.” He met Cole’s gaze and smiled. “I hope.”

  “I’ve no doubts. Carl is nuts about you.” He gave Lex’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze. “With good cause. You’re an incredible man. Carl struck gold.” He chuckled. “And I mean that in a strictly non-monetary way. Your fortune has nothing to do with his love for you.”

  “I know,” Lex whispered with a smile. “I know.”

  Dane and Angel approached the bar with Oliver whose muscular arm wrapped Dane’s naked waist.

  “Oliver.” Cole stood and shook his hand. “It’s good to see you. I wasn’t expecting you, though.”

  Oliver greeted Lex as well, then explained how he ended up at the party.

  “Oliver here has a special request,” Dane said with a grin. “And it’s going to take a group effort.”